“Far-Left Or Anarchists” – Intelligence Reports ID Rioting Protesters; Mostly Locals Arrested…
May 31, 2020
Despite claims by Democratic officials from Minneapolis that "white supremacists" or "foreign actors" are responsible for the violent riots seen across the nation, USAToday reports that Adam Leggat, a former British Army counterterrorism officer who now works as a security consultant specializing in crowd management for the Densus Group, said intelligence reports from his colleagues indicate most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists, and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance.
US Army Deploys “Elite Trainers” To Help Colombia After Cocaine Production Triples…
May 31, 2020
The move is also seen as a way to put pressure on Caracas...
Another random pile of bricks left – now in Fayetteville, NC – with no construction nearby…
May 31, 2020
Nc Fayetteville it real pic.twitter.com/WJTdhrOVdW
— Dolo (@64hunblock) May 31, 2020
Horrifying scene of rioting gone mad…
May 31, 2020
It looks like they killed this guy https://t.co/GZeiRRwerN
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) May 31, 2020
A Plan You Can Actually Keep: Trump Delivers On Obama’s Broken Health Care Promise…
May 30, 2020
Federal, State Authorities Concerned Outside Groups Inciting Lawlessness Amid Minneapolis Protests…
May 30, 2020
The US Military Is Monitoring Protests in Seven States. National Guard member says they’re ill-equipped to respond to civil unrest…
May 30, 2020
China’s Premier Admits to Serious Economic Crisis, With 600 Million People Earning $140 a Month…
May 30, 2020
That is not enough to pay for monthly rent on a one-bedroom apartment in a mid-sized Chinese city... He also admitted that millions continue to live in poverty, and do not have enough to eat. Furthermore, more people are struggling as a result of the pandemic, he said.
Wife of Minneapolis Police Officer Charged in George Floyd’s Death Files for Divorce…
May 30, 2020
Chief Justice Roberts Sides with Liberals – Refuses California Church Right to Assemble During Pandemic…
May 30, 2020
Minneapolis Riots Are Reminder That Police Don’t Protect You Or Your Property…
May 31, 2020
...yet, though it all, we hear again and again the myth that law enforcement agencies will provide protection, retrieve stolen property, and keep the peace. Many people in Minneapolis are now experiencing the reality...
Tucker Carlson beautifully articulates the ongoing riots in Minneapolis and beyond…
May 31, 2020
Look at this professional disarm an Antifa terrorist in Seattle after snatching an AR-15 from an abandoned police car…
May 31, 2020
It's like Seal Team Six meets Feel Team Soy.
Biden trying to take credit for SpaceX/NASA launch…
May 30, 2020
"This mission represents the culmination of work begun years ago, and which President Obama and I fought hard to ensure would become a reality," former Vice President Joe Biden shared after the successful launch of the Crew Dragon capsule.
Hypocrisy: Somali Rioters Call for the Release of Killer Cop Mohamed Noor on CNN…
May 30, 2020
Minneapolis: Somali rioters shout "Free Mohamed Noor" on CNN.
Mohamed Noor was MPD's first Somali cop who shot and killed a white woman who called police for help. pic.twitter.com/I2VxGOi56h
— Chris Menahan 🇺🇸 (@infolibnews) May 30, 2020
The Epoch Times: Let Elon Musk Show the Way for America, Not the Rioters…
May 30, 2020
The rioters—whether they are antifa-types who wish to “smash the state” or just greedy looters— who are running rampant in our cities do nothing of value for anyone, least of all black people. America needed a feel-good story right now and Elon Musk gave it to them. On the surface, this does nothing for the race situation, but on a deeper level it does. Everybody dreams—all races and creeds—and Musk has given us a chance to dream together, if we decide to take it...
Denver’s Mayor Imposes Curfew on Saturday as George Floyd Protests Continue For Third Day…
May 30, 2020
Woman charged with attempted murder of 4 NYPD cops during protests…
May 30, 2020
Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, NY, tossed the incendiary device through a rear window of the van at the corner of Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue around 10:40 p.m., police said. Shader then allegedly bit an officer on the leg as she was taken into custody, police said.
Donald Trump says he will postpone G7, plans to invite four more countries…
May 30, 2020
Trump singled out Russia, Australia, South Korea and India as possible additions... White House spokeswoman Alyssa Farah said G7 in its current format is a "very outdated group of countries" and that Trump wanted the addition of new countries to talk about China...
Minnesota AG Keith Ellison removed tweet w/photo of himself holding up and endorsing the “Antifa Handbook”…
His original tweet has been archived...
May 30, 2020
I have a screen shot. pic.twitter.com/7wrihti20J
— MiMiYouSee (@luvthmgators) May 29, 2020