Nearly 50,000 doctors and scientists, 630,000 citizens have signed global anti-lockdown proclamation…
November 18, 2020
New Details Emerge About China’s Super Secret “JH-XX” Stealth Bomber …
November 18, 2020
Detroit Voter Fraud Witness: “They were like a pack of dogs!”… “They were like Demons!”…
November 18, 2020
GWP: Several Georgia Recount Monitors Describe ‘Odd Batches of Ballots’ That Stood Out – Pristine Sheets with Perfectly Marked Bubbles – 100% For Joe Biden…
November 18, 2020
Twitter Hires “Hacker” and Former Program Manager at DARPA, Peiter Zatko, aka “Mudge”. Oh, he was also a leader of hacking group ‘Cult of the Dead Cow’ that included Beto O’Rourke…
November 18, 2020
One of The Brothers of Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court Justices Got Indicted for Bribing Election Officials for Democratic candidates. Now He’s Going To Hear Claims of Invalid Ballots from Trump’s Side…
November 18, 2020
Lin Wood files Emergency Request for Temporary Restraining Order against GA SOS…
November 18, 2020
Good morning.
Last night, I filed an Emergency Motion for Injunctive Relief against GA Secretary of State.
Relief sought includes an order prohibiting certification which includes defective absentee ballots & requiring that a hand recount be performed.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 18, 2020
“Largest Distribution Ever” – Thousands Of Cars Lined Up At Texas Food Bank…
November 18, 2020
Thousands of cars lined up to collect food in Dallas, Texas, over the weekend, stretching as far as the eye can see.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) November 16, 2020
Gov. Cuomo to Take $25k Raise as City Faces $63 Billion Budget Deficit…
November 18, 2020
Former Army Green Beret Pleads Guilty to Spy Charge…
November 18, 2020
Cuomo The Tyrrant Unloads On ‘Idiot’ Reporter For Asking About School Closures…
November 18, 2020
🚨 Dictator @NYGovCuomo goes nuts after a reporter asks him a simple question about school closures in NY.
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) November 18, 2020
American Thinker breaks down how fraudulent ballots can be identified…
November 18, 2020
Trump Recount Committee staffer corroborates rumors that Dominion Servers were indeed confiscated by U.S. Authorities in Germany. Raw data from the server will “shake the globalists to their very core”…
November 18, 2020
Pennsylvania tells people to wear masks inside their homes…
November 18, 2020
“Strengthening masking order,” the Pennsylvania Department of Health tweeted Tuesday. “Masks are still required. Indoors: masks now required anytime you’re with people outside of your household, even if you’re socially distant. Applies to all indoor facilities + if you have people in your home not part of your household.”
The DOD just announced that all special operations civilian leadership are to report directly to Chris Miller…
November 18, 2020
The change will “put Special Operations Command on par with military services for the first time,” Miller said. Special Op teams in the alphabet agencies will now report directly to the DOD instead of using the traditional chain of command bypassing the DeepState agents.
Floyd County Georgia, Ballot-Counting Incompetence: “Yeah, uh… we’re missing 11 batches of votes. Oops” …
November 18, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 18, 2020
Danish study finds face masks provide limited protection against Coronavirus…
November 18, 2020
FCC votes to open up more Wi-Fi spectrum…
November 18, 2020
There’s going to be a little more room for Wi-Fi. The Federal Communications Commission voted today to open up a small amount of additional wireless spectrum for unlicensed indoor use, which should help to improve speeds and reduce congestion on 5GHz Wi-Fi networks.
Photos Reveal Gov. Gavin Newsom Dining Indoors not following his COVID-19 protocols…
November 18, 2020
EXCLUSIVE: We've obtained photos of Governor Gavin Newsom at the Napa dinner party he's in hot water over. The photos call into question just how outdoors the dinner was. A witness who took photos tells us his group was so loud, the sliding doors had to be closed. 10pm on @FOXLA
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) November 18, 2020
Democrats Nominate Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker…
Kevin McCarthy is reelected as top House Republican...
November 18, 2020