Posted by Centipede Nation Staff on February 4, 2021 6:59 pm

Biden announces major US foreign policy shift: “Days Of Rolling Over” To Russia “Are Over”. Will Also Expand The “Refugee Program” Amid The COVID “Pandemic”…

Some of the things Biden mentioned during his speech at the State Department was the freezing of troop redeployments from Germany, and raising the cap for refugees allowed into the US. He also went after Russia with a psuedo-tough tone without acknowledging that Trump signed the strongest sanctions on Russia than any previous President.

He went also said that “we’re going rebuild our alliances. We’re going reengage the world and take on the enormous challenges we face dealing with the pandemic, dealing with global warming and again standing up for democracy and human rights around the world.”

Topics of his speech included:

  • Russia
  • Yemen
  • Countering China; Myanmar Coup
  • Halting Trump’s troop draw downs
  • Defending Freedom & Democracy Abroad in ‘New Era’

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