Posted by Centipede Nation Staff on October 24, 2021 12:44 pm

Fiona Hill Scared Of A Trump Victory In 2024 – Says It Will Be “Illegitimate” And Could Start An “Open Civil War”…


HOOVER: You have said that if Donald Trump, makes a successful return to the presidency in 2024, quote, “democracy’s done.” What do you mean by that?

HILL: What I mean by that is that he is basically trying to come back again on the basis of a lie. He has repudiated the outcome of the 2020 election, and yet he’s expecting, you know, to be reelected in 2024. So that is the main thesis, that’s the man propelling force behind his bid for reelection. So just that basic fact of how he is campaigning is in itself a massive problem because he is rejecting the democratic system and the outcome of the 2020 election.

HOOVER: Do you believe, though, in the scenario where he runs again in ‘24 and is justly elected, democratically elected through the Electoral College, that his presence in the White House means democracy is done?

HILL: Well, this will be on the basis of a minority rule because we are already seeing in key states, swing states, that there are efforts being made by Republican political leaders to constrain the votes of people who are not Republicans. And again, look, I’m not a partisan person. I find it very painful to have to call this out. But there is one political party here that is trying to stop fellow Americans from voting. You know, every system that you see where there is a minority rule is deeply unstable. I mean, we know that in, you know, Russia, for example, that’s essentially what Putin has done because there’s been suppression of the vote preventing people from going out and voting who would probably vote for the opposition. A really depressed turnout. And at this point Putin is not ruling on the basis of the majority of the population, and we’ve seen that in many other settings as well and again, this is inherently unstable and really has an awful lot of risks for the future of the United States. So it might be legally legitimate, so there’s a legitimacy in the legality, as you said, in the Electoral College. But it will be seen in the eyes of all of those who, you know, vote and their votes are counted through the popular votes as inherently, deeply illegitimate. And we then are setting ourselves for even more violence. If people feel that their voices are no longer heard through the ballot box and they have to take to the streets then we end up in, you know, the potential of an open civil war. We’re already, in my view, in a cold civil war. We have periodic eruptions of violence and people are now seeing that the ballot box, and Trump has been telling them that, the ballot box is not fair. You know, kind of, your vote doesn’t count. Well, that will kind of be the, also, the message to, you know, the majority of people who won’t vote for him in 2024.

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