Posted by Centipede Nation Staff on August 30, 2021 3:25 pm

Thousands of Greeks take to the streets to protest mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports, and other Covid measures…

Thousands gathered in the central square of Athens on Sunday to protest the government’s tyrannical Covid measures. The technocratic puppets of Greece’s government continue to insult millions of Greek citizens who react to bio-medical tyranny by calling them conspiracy theorists. They are the same ones who in January 2020 said there is no danger, then saying that compulsory vaccination abolishes fundamental human rights and democracy, then later saying that being vaccinated is the only way to stop the transmission of the “virus”. Now we know the opposite is true. Now you need vaccine passports to participate in society.

The Greek government have sparked this reaction with their conflicting and alienating positions.

The following images speak for themselves, as does the panic that has gripped the system.


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