Posted by Centipede Nation Staff on April 10, 2020 1:15 pm

Mississippi Cops Tell Church Goers Practicing Social Distancing That Their Rights As Citizens Have Been Suspended By Government Orders

As this lockdown continues, tyranny is raising its ugly head in America, and more politicians are implementing a police state using COVID-19 as justification. If citizens do not contend for Civil Liberties, those in power will be emboldened to continue the abuses until you have no rights left.

It was just a few months ago when Democrats were trying to impeach Trump for abuse of power, but now it seems that these Democrats are willing to grab more power and authority in the name of a virus. Now they are coming after your religious rights.

Pastors at multiple churches in Greenville, Mississippi have been offering alternative ways to continue their services. Even though they have been appealing to social distancing rules, it is not enough for the power-hungry authority; they need you to be completely immobilized, both mentally and physically.

From the Blaze:

Church members get $500 tickets for sitting in their vehicles with windows closed during radio service in church parking lot. Temple Baptist members were staying in their vehicles with the windows rolled up to listen to Pastor Arthur Scott’s sermon on the radio, the paper said… “The preacher is in the church at the pulpit, and we are streaming the service live as well,” Gordon added to the paper. “But a lot of our membership is elderly and [lacks access to streaming technology].”

Temple Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi, isn’t the only church that has been harassed by police for providing similar services. After 20 Greenville Mississippi Police Officers showed up to King James Bible Baptist Church, they told the Pastor “WHEN YOU GET AN ORDER FROM THE GOVERNMENT YOUR RIGHTS ARE SUSPENDED”.

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