Tucker Says NSA Leaked His Emails To Journalists…
TUCKER: “I was in Washington for a funeral last week and ran into someone I know well, who said ‘I have a message for you,’ and then proceeded to repeat back to me details from emails and texts that I sent, and had told no one else about. So it was verified. And the person said ‘the NSA has this,’ and that was proven by the person reading back the contents of the email, ‘and they’re going to use it against you.’
To be blunt with you, it was something I would have never said in public if it was wrong, or illegal, or immoral. They don’t actually have anything on me, but they do have my emails. So I knew they were spying on me, and again, to be totally blunt with you – as a defensive move, I thought ‘I better say this out loud.'”
“Then, yesterday, I learned that – and this is going to come out soon – that the NSA leaked the contents of my email to journalists in an effort to discredit me. I know, because I got a call from one of them who said ‘this is what your email was about.’
So, it is not in any way a figment of my imagination. It’s confirmed. It’s true. They aren’t allowed to spy on American citizens – they are. I think more ominously, they’re using the information they gather to put leverage and to threaten opposition journalists, people who criticize the Biden administration. It’s happening to me right now…”
MARIA: “This is the stuff of banana republics and third-world countries.”
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