Posted by Centipede Nation Staff on January 20, 2022 12:17 pm

Bill Gates Calls For “Aggressive” Carbon Taxes to “drive the demand” for “clean products”…

Børge Brende: “…and how are we really gonna make it from a fossil-based fuel society, into a renewable society? Where do you see the new real breakthroughs and who are we going to make sure that we set the price on the externalities?…”

Bill Gates: “The rich countries have to play a central role, both funding R&D (research & development) and having policies – in some cases – carbon taxes will be used to drive the demand for these clean products. Only by doing that in an aggressive way will the economic costs be brought down enough that we can turn to all the middle income countries and say ‘OK, change your whole cement industry, change your whole steel industry, and yet it’s not holding you back from economic growth. The number of companies working on these things is very exciting. Some of them will fail, a lot of them will fail, but we only need a reasonable number, a few dozen of them to make it through and that’s what we have to accelerate.”

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