People in France not allowed into supermarkets without “covid passports”…
If you can't use the supermarkets just make your own supermarkets!
Unreal scenes in France as people not allowed into supermarkets without "covid passports"
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) August 19, 2021
Never give up your guns boys.
— Hunter's Crackpipe (@GoodCrackpipe) August 19, 2021
I give them 3 days of hunger before they come back with pitchforks and torches.
— Dennis (@DaveeDennis) August 19, 2021
The following clip shows people protesting and pushing past the barricade of security requesting vaccine passports:
L'union fait la force !! Sans aucune violence, ils entrent dans le magasin qui leur demandait le pass sanitaire !! Force et honneur mes amis !! #manifs21aout #NousSommesDesMillions
— Vivre Sainement (@VSainement) August 19, 2021
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