Posted by Centipede Nation Staff on November 26, 2021 12:02 pm

RFK Jr On The Global Medical Tyranny: “This Is Armageddon. This is the Final Battle. We Need to Win This One.”

James Corbett recently interviewed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr to talk about his new book, The Real Anthony Fauci.

Notable snippet:

James Corbett: “We are in the fight for our life. We are in the most profound peril towards human liberty that we have seen in our lifetime.”

Robert Kennedy Jr.: “I will go even further than you just went. I think this is historical jeopardy to humanity than we’ve ever seen before. We’ve seen the Black Plague and World War II, arguably rivals for it. I would argue that this is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity because the essential ambition of the totalitarian state is to control not just conduct but self-expression and thought. And for the first time in history because of the technological revolution, the capacity for totalitarian forces to literally control every aspect of human expression and even human thought is now unprecedented… This is Armageddon… This is the final battle. We need to win this one.”

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