Inside the NSA’s Secret Tool for Mapping Your Social Network…
May 25, 2020
Edward Snowden revealed the agency’s phone-record tracking program. But thanks to “precomputed contact chaining,” that database was much more powerful than anyone knew.
Extremely rare ‘cosmic ring of fire’ discovered in the early universe…
May 25, 2020
A violent, catastrophic collision between two galaxies has given rise to an extremely rare ring galaxy, lurking some 11 billion light years from the Earth. The monstrous, donut-shaped galaxy is making stars in its huge ring at a rate 50 times faster than our home galaxy, earning it an ominous moniker Johnny and June Cash would surely dig: The cosmic "ring of fire."
“The US Is Bluffing”: China Claims Trump Too “Weakened” By Pandemic To Intervene In Hong Kong…
May 25, 2020
"As the US is entangled in the COVID-19 epidemic, its actual ability to intervene externally is weakening. The White House claimed it would impose sanctions on China, but the tools and resources at its disposal are fewer than those it could mobilize before the outbreak. It is only bluffing"
Clinton-Appointed Judge Lets Florida Felons Vote, Could Add ‘Hundreds Of Thousands’ To November Rolls…
May 25, 2020
And just like that, Trump lost Florida?
California opens places of worship, in-store retail businesses…
May 25, 2020
But under the new rules, business owners and religious leaders have to wait for approval from county health officials before they open their doors to the public. Each building is limited to 25 percent occupancy but is capped at just 100 attendees for church services, regardless of how large the church is, according to an official release issued Monday.
Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit failed today on its first attempt to launch a test satellite into space aboard a rocket carried aloft by a Boeing 747 and released over the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Southern California…
May 25, 2020
There was no immediate word on what went wrong.
China space programme targets July launch for Mars lander mission…
May 25, 2020
WHO suspends hydroxychloroquine trials due to “increased heart risk”, Based on a Flawed Study that Conflated HCQ with Dangerous Macrolides Known to cause Heart Problems, then Blamed HCQ…
May 25, 2020
Wayback Machine Latest Victim Of Big Tech Consolidation And Censorship…
May 25, 2020
...the Wayback Internet archive is trending down this slippery slope with its recently implemented labeling of snapshot results as potential disinformation...
White House imposes coronavirus travel ban on Brazil…
May 25, 2020
Brazil, now Latin America’s hardest-hit country, is second, with more than 347,000 cases and more than 22,000 deaths. Third on the list is Russia, with more than 344,000 reported cases and more than 3,500 deaths.
The hardest thing President Trump has to do as President
May 25, 2020
Deep State Plotters – Devin Nunes Targets Rod Rosenstein’s Corrupt Activity to Initiate Robert Mueller…
May 25, 2020
When contemplating the malign activity of Rod Rosenstein; and how angered President Trump is with former AG Jeff Sessions; it is worth remembering that Sessions requested Rod Rosenstein as his deputy, and then immediately thereafter Sessions recused himself, effectively positioning Rosenstein to run the operation against President Trump.
That’s the background context for a great interview by Gregg Jarrett where Jarrett walks through the timeline of events with former HPSCI Chairman Devin Nunes.
See The Facial Recognition World Map…
May 25, 2020
In total, there are now 109 countries today that are either using or have approved the use of facial recognition technology for surveillance purposes. But at what cost? The spread of this technology around the world has raised important questions about the impacts on privacy of such widespread surveillance.
Meet the art expert who trains doctors, Navy Seals and the CIA…
May 25, 2020
For two decades, Herman, 53, has been delivering a seminar called “The Art of Perception”... To all her pupils, she promises that studying pictures will enhance their powers of observation and communication, and transform the way they approach their jobs. “Visual intelligence”, as she describes the skill she seeks to stimulate, can crack a case. Looking closely, she says, can save a life. “It’s about effectively communicating what you see,”...
Former Florida Data Manager Hailed By Media Was Fired For Insubordination…
May 25, 2020
A former Florida Department of Health data manager has received ample media coverage over her claims that she was fired after she objected to the removal of certain data from the state’s public-facing coronavirus dashboard. But the data in question has been available to the public since early May, and documents reported by The Associated Press Sunday show that Rebekah Jones was fired after she repeatedly overstepped her duties as a data manager despite being warned multiple times about her behavior.
Viral video shows Staten Island store mob screaming at woman without mask…
May 25, 2020
One of the authors of the study that “debunked” hydroxychloroquine, Scott Sutton, received $247,000 from the maker of Remdesivir in 2018…
May 25, 2020
Richard Grenell has reached peak patriot status. Calls out German politician for thinking they can take advantage of the US…
May 25, 2020
You always wanted me to stop asking you publicly to pay your NATO obligations and calling for an end to Nord Stream 2. But these are US policies. And I work for the American people.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) May 25, 2020
Police in 3 States Hunt UConn Student Wanted for 2 Homicides…
May 25, 2020
Connecticut troopers said Peter Manfredonia, suspected in a deadly assault in Willington on Friday and a homicide in Derby on Sunday morning, is believed to be armed with several weapons stolen during a home invasion. A car Manfredonia is suspected of stealing from the Derby victim was found in New Jersey at the Pennsylvania border Sunday afternoon, police said.
President Trump and the First Lady Participate in a Memorial Day Ceremony at Fort McHenry…
May 25, 2020