WHO RUNS CALI? The ‘Family’ With Wealth, Power, & Influence
California is the world’s 5th largest economy. But it has an estimated $2T in debt with the highest taxes in the country, while homelessness is on the rise, and state government spending is uncontrollable. Many Californians today are struggling to make ends meet, while those on top of the food chain are profiting from its demise. Let us show you who really runs California.
The following graphic has been making the rounds with some good information, but we thought we’d go a little deeper to see just how connected this whole ‘family’ really is.
Who is Gavin Newsom?
Gavin is the latest prop of elite families who is running the State of California and Democrat Party. Gavin has ties to the Brown, Pelosi and Getty families that dates back at least three generations. The media tries to paint Gavin as coming from humble beginnings but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Gavin is a fourth-generation San Franciscan, and comes from a politically well-connected family. In fact, much of the wealth, power, and connections have been kept closely knit between one another. It is rare that power has left this circle of friends/family. In fact, California has been ruled by these people for generations, and their influence has only been growing.
It’s like Q said, it’s [RIGGED].
Timeline of Gavin’s Rise to Governor:
- 1996 – Parking and Traffic Commission
- 1997 – 2004 Member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors
- 2004 – 2011 Mayor of San Francisco (Bill Clinton campaigned for Gavin)
- 2010 – Ran for California Governor, but lost to Jerry Brown (Bill Clinton once again campaigned for Gavin)
- 2011 – 2019 Lieutenant Governor of California under Jerry Brown
- 2019 – Governor of California
It would be interesting to know what secrets she was privy to and has now whispered into Don Jr’s ear.
Gavin Newsom’s Genealogy
The Newsoms were one of the first settlers in the united states. William Newsom left London on August 21, 1635 on a ship called “George” and went straight to Virginia – signing the ship’s registry as “William Neesum, farmer”.
In 1636, as part of the Virginia Land grants, he was granted 550 acres of land in the County of James City in exchange for the transportation of 11 persons to Virginia.
William Newsom’s first new-world born son, William Newsom III, was a very wealthy and influential man. In his 1691 will, his descendent’s inherited multiple plantations, multiple plots of land, tract and land dividends, slaves, and the rest of his estate.
In 1865, one of William Newsom’s descendent’s, Alfred Cane Newsom, ended up moving to San Fransisco California, where his son William Alfred Newsom I was born. In a 1930s Census, William Alfred Newsom I (Gavins Great Grandfather) is listed as a Banker, owning a $40,000 Home, had 2 servants, a Philippino chauffeur, and a housekeeper. Records show that he worked for the Bank of Italy (Bank of America) for 29 years.
While doing some research, we also landed on some congressional records where Nancy Pelosi confirmed and wrote that Gavin Newsom’s Great Grandfather, William Alrfred Newsom I, was also an associate of banker Amadeo Peter Giannini, the American banker who founded the Bank of Italy, which later became Bank of America. He also opened the first branch office of the Bank of America at 29th and Mission Streets in San Francisco.
Notable Relative:
The following individual is a cousin to Gavin. We currently do not know how close of a relative he is, but it can’t be a coincidence that they lived so close to each other in California. Also, this individual’s public genealogy has been privatized, meaning, if you visit wikitree or Geni.com, the names associated with his immediate family are shown as “private”. Thanks to an anon from Voat that has messaged us a tip, Ancestry.com has verified his connection to William Newsom III.
Meet David Dunlop Newsom
David was born in Richmond in 1918, a city 20 minutes outside of San Francisco, California. He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley and Columbia University’s School of Journalism. Became the director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University (think CIA training grounds). He was later a professor at the University of Virginia’s Department of Government and Foreign Affairs.
David Dunlop Newsom was also a member of the State Department’s special task force, and was famous for coordinating negotiations during the Iranian hostage crisis. He also served as the United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, and the United States Ambassador to Libya, Philippines, and Indonesia (This guy reminds us of Peter Strzok’s Father).
At one point, David tried to convince David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger that it was wrong to bring Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi of Iran into the United States for medical treatment. In the end, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi ended up using “David D. Newsom” as his codename when he was finally admited to New York Hospital.
He was also on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and on the Council of Foreign Relations.
David lived in Virginia until his death.
It has been reported that David was linked to Exxon and blocked a proposed coup against Qaddafi. Qaddafi’s first prime minister, and the man who subsequently conducted the oil negotiations for Libya, was a former lawyer for Exxon.
If you want to know more about David Dunlop Newsom, we suggest watching his video called “Conversations with History“.
Gavin’s Grandfather, The Browns, and The Pelosis
William Alfred Newsom II, Gavin’s Grandfather, was a general contractor that built houses in the Bay area. William had longstanding political and financial ties in the area, and one of them included a gentleman called Pat Brown, whom he hired as his attorney. William Alfred Newsom II later convinced Pat Brown to run for San Francisco’s district attorney, which he also had a hand in running his campaign. Eventually, Pat Brown became California Attorney General, then moving on as Governor of the state.
From California Rising: The Life and Times of Pat Brown:
“Soon after his election, Brown’s friend and political fund-raiser William Newsom arranged a meeting between Brown and the McDonough brothers, crooked bail bondsmen who had once been dubbed the fountainheads of corruption in the city….When Brown got home he found $1,000 in cash in the pocket of his coat…”
The California Death Index of 1940-97 states that William Alfred Newsom II was also the “treasurer of the California State Democratic Central Committee”, “treasurer for President Harry Truman’s Northern California campaign in 1948“, “Managed local campaigns when former Governor Edmund G Brown ran for district attorney, losing the first, winning the second“, “Under Governor Brown, member of the State Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board“, and “President of the Squaw Valley Improvement Association for some years after the 1960 Winter Olympics“.
His Wife Christine Brennan was on the California Franchise Tax Board, Chairwoman of the California Water Resources Control Board From 1982 to 1985, on the Governing Board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, and had run for Placer County Treasurer. Also, she was once fined $10,000 by the California Fair Political Practices Commission. At her death, she was a member of the Placer County Board of Education.
Without digressing, let’s go back to Gavin’s Grandfather for a moment.
For the 1960s winter Olympics, Governor Pat Brown’s administration developed Squaw Valley, one of the largest ski resorts/areas in the United States. William Newsom II and his partner, John Pelosi, were awarded a concession to operate it. John’s son, Ronald Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi’s brother in-law) ended up marrying Belinda Barbara Newsom, William Newsom Sr’s daughter.
Paul Pelosi made his fortune in real estate and as a venture capitalist. The Pelosi family wealth helped Nancy achieve campaign success in San Francisco’s politics. Nancy Pelosi’s net worth is over $100 million, which makes her the 6th wealthiest member of Congress.
Gavins Father – William A. Newsom III
Gavins father, William A. Newsom III, was born in San Francisco, California in 1934. While growing up, he was also a close friend of Gordon Getty, son of oil tycoon Jean Paul Getty, who lived in his house during the 1940s while attending St. Ignatius Catholic prep school in San Francisco.
In time, Newsom went on to law school and was admitted to the California Bar in 1962. He worked as legal adviser to the Italian division of Getty Oil and then as a tax attorney for the Getty family.
In 1975, Governor Jerry Brown appointed Gavin’s father to the Superior Court bench in Auburn, California, and later to the State Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
For generations, they’ve been playing ping-pong with positions of power; keeping it all in the family. “You scratch my back, I scratch yours” type of situation.
A noteworthy mention: Gavins Father helped deliver the $3 million ransom to the Italian kidnappers of Getty’s grandson, John Paul Getty III,. (We have included a video documenting this and other things of interest on the bottom of this post.) The funny thing about this kidnapping was that John Paul Getty III’s grandfather did not want to pay the randsom at all. In fact, he told the kidnappers that if he did, he ran the risk of getting his other descendants kidnapped as well. After the teenager’s ear was cut off and sent to a newspaper by the kidnappers, $3 million was given to them and the teen was set free.
Deep ties between Newsoms and Gettys
While serving on the appellate bench in the 1980s, Justice Newsom helped Getty’s son, Gordon, secure a change in state trust law that allowed him to claim his share of a multi-heir trust.
After Newsom retired from the bench in 1995, he was also Gordon’s consigliere and administrator of Gordon Getty’s own trust, telling one interviewer, “I make my living working for Gordon Getty.”
The Getty trust provided seed money for the PlumpJack chain of restaurants and wine shops that Justice Newsom’s son, Gavin, and Gordon Getty’s son, Billy, developed – the first being in a Squaw Valley hotel. Remember the Squaw Valley mentioned above? All in the family.
From: The San Fransisco Chronicle:
“The sons of Gordon Getty and Justice Bill Newsom are opening a wine shop in Cow Hollow in March called Plump Jack, after the opera Getty wrote based on the Falstaff character,” the Chronicle article stated, including a photo of Newsom, Andrew Getty and Billy Getty standing in a doorway. “… Gavin Newsom, 24, thinks they are doing their families, who are wine collectors, a favor.”
Other Benefits Gavin Newsom received from the Gettys:
- The Getty trust paid Gavin Newsom for investment advice
- Gordon and Ann Getty provided gifts and loans for his home
- They paid about $233,000 toward his first wedding reception with Kimberly Guilfoyle
- His 30th birthday party, given by the Gettys, was Great Gatsby-themed, down to the flappers and Charlestons
- Political donations
- & more
Who exactly are the Gettys?
The Gettys are a billion-dollar American oil dynasty. Their name is tied to a museum, research center, an oil company, a conservation institute, and a photo agency.
The patriarch of the Getty family, George Getty, was born to American immigrants in 1855. He was a lawyer who eventually became an oil man accumulating vast riches.
In 1914, he gave his son, Jean Paul Getty, a $10 thousand loan with which he became a millionaire from oil production in his own right by 1916. Upon the death of George Getty in 1930, he had left behind George F. Getty, Inc., the predecessor of Getty Oil Co. and a $10 million fortune.
By 1957, Fortune magazine named Jean Paul Getty the Richest living American. Jean Paul has had lucrative oil leases with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, rubbed shoulders with the worlds elite, and had a long list of lovers and mistresses including actresses, socialites, and even Lady Ursula d’Abo of London (Queen Elizabeth’s maid of honor).
From Vanity Fair:
J. Paul Getty is remembered for his vast oil fortune, his miserliness (he famously installed a pay phone in his mansion for guests to use), and the coldhearted way he reportedly handled his grandson’s 1973 kidnapping. A lesser-known quality of the billionaire’s was his obsession with sex… “Described by Lord Beaverbrook as ‘priapic’ or ‘every-ready’, Getty consumed vitamins in massive doses, together with the so-called sex drug H3, to maintain his potency well into his 80s [and kept] meticulous records of his conquests in a small black address book.”
By age 61, Getty had compiled a list of 100 lovers he remembered affectionately, according to Robert Lenzner’s book: “The Great Getty” . The savvy businessman that he was, Getty also allegedly presented women with a document before having sex that absolved him from any financial responsibility should they became pregnant.
J. Paul’s family tree includes 5 wives, 5 sons, 19 Grand children, 28 great grand children and so far 5 great-great grand children, many already deceased. His descendent’s include a Knight of the Order of the British Empire, actors, musicians, models, film directors, philanthropists, businessmen, and 4 great grandchildren – who’s aunt through marriage is the Crown Princess of Greece.
The Getty heirs are littered with scandals, including, kidnapping, drug addiction, suicide, suspicious deaths, infidelity, aids, mental illness, lawsuits and betrayal.
J. Paul changed his will multiple times to reflect who his favorites were. When he died, only 1 wife got any inheritance, while mistresses got varying amounts. A bulk of his fortune was left to the J. Paul Getty Museum Trust. Only 5 heirs were income beneficiaries – meaning they could spend the money they received from the trust. Gordon, John Paul Jr. got about $100 million/yr, and the three daughters of George Getty each got $35 million/yr. The rest of the descendants had to wait until the death of the last Getty son to collect principal.
Here is a pretty decent documentary on the Getty’s:
We hope this analysis opened up your eyes to who really runs California, and how families in power stay in control. Also, it’s important to us that this research will help anons with a stepping stone in taking it much further.
Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts. And as always, God bless America and long live the republic. Where we go one, we go all.
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