Posted by Centipede Nation Staff on May 15, 2019 6:28 pm

AMD Confirms its Processors are Unaffected by RIDL  (Rogue In-Flight Data Load) and Fallout Vulnerabilities that affect Intel’s Core processors…

AMD came to these conclusions on the basis of its own testing and discussions with the researchers who discovered RIDL. It's important to note here, that the "Fallout" vulnerability AMD is referring to in this statement is the one which is part of four MDS vulnerabilities Intel disclosed yesterday, and not the identically named "Fallout" vulnerability discovered by CTS Labs in 2018, allegedly affecting secure memory management of AMD "Zen" processors.

Is this why the US government is using them to help build the World's fastest supercomputer? What about the US DOE and Intel's partnership to build the first exascale supercomputer that was announced this past march?

Did you know that Intel invests heavily in research in China and about 100 researchers – or 10% of the total number of researchers from Intel – are located in Beijing. Intel also often collaborates with the Chinese ZTE Corporation that the US government recently banned because their equipment could be used to spy on Americans. Intel also has a "Strategic Cooperation Pact" with Huawei.

What will happen to Intel now that Huawei is banned from buying parts & components from U.S Companies? Is their project with the DOE compromised? Was this project with Intel a way to gain insider influence that would help push Intel away from manufacturing in China?

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